Kris Neely

Professor of Art and Director of Interdisciplinary Studies, Spartanburg Methodist College

It is important for us all to remember the past – those who we have lost and those who continue the fight. It is important that we remember the fear and stigma, the pain and uncertainty. It is important for us to also celebrate brave lives facing down fear, infection, hate, ignorance, and injustice. It is important for us to celebrate the pioneering courage of Piedmont Care and the difficult road to serve those who are in need of medical care, support services, and prevention measures.

I remember the cautions my parents gave in the 1980s. I remember us learning together about HIV and responding to the fears in our community, our nation, and our world. Then, HIV was a mystery. Now, the misinformed thinking and rhetoric that surrounded the disease has been replaced with reliable research, public policy, and good medicine. The mystery disease is now a treatable condition. Transmission and preventative measures are now common knowledge if we listen and learn.

Forgetting and misremembering do not serve us. Our community needs to celebrate and remember how far we have come, how much further we can go, and how much we can do when we work together for a cure.

Spartanburg Methodist College has been a proud partner in Piedmont Care programs for many years. We look forward to continuing to support and encourage our students in confronting fear and pioneering a better future through education, research, and collaborative problem-solving. We all benefit from the legacy of Piedmont Care.




Phillip Hudson